How to lose weight well

*How to lose weight well*

Weight loss is often the top of people’s priorities and subsequently provides the diet company industries with outrageous amounts of money each year!
Of course every diet will work to some degree and although some claim to use miracle methods like matching your personality traits to your star sign or eating holy detox foods that will provide the body with super human powers, the truth is they all work on one simple principle:


Let’s take it back a notch and work out how to lose weight effectively. Finding your basal metabolic rate, the calories required by your body to do absolutely nothing other than live is step one.

Once you’ve worked this out, you need to multiply it by your activity levels in a calculation known as the Harris Benedict Formula

With the final figure, simply subtract 10% and this should be a good enough calorie level to begin with to lose weight. Providing you eat within this range the majority of the time, your bodyweight should gradually begin to decrease.
Of course you will need to adjust this figure as your weight begins to change. Keep your protein levels at 1gram per lb of bodyweight, drink plenty of water, live your life and treat yourself every now and again with that bit of junk food and you’ll be a happier dieter!

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